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A 70 Pound Weight Loss Journey: M/34/6’1 Goes From 332 to 262Lb

Follow the journey of Reddit user 'powerweighter' as he shares his transformation from being overweight to achieving a healthier life through diet and exercise. Learn insights on counting calories, bodybuilding, and powerlifting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'1" male showing a weight reduction from 332 pounds to 262 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.
M/34/6’1 [332 > 262 = 70 pounds] on my way to a healthier life
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Counting calories for a calorie deficit

The first step that powerweighter took was cutting down on his calorie intake by 1,000 calories per day. It was a simple calorie deficit that he claims helped him accomplish his goals. He started his weight loss journey at a weight of 332 pounds and reached 262 pounds. Powerweighter counted calories in the beginning and contined to do so to aid him in his transformation.

Bodybuilding vs powerlifting

Powerweighter focused mainly on powerlifting before, but when he transferred to a bodybuilding-oriented fitness plan while on the cutting phase, he found success in reaching his weight target. He shared that he wanted to get rid of the fat, but still hoped to maintain his muscles that he built from his time in powerlifting. He did high rep stuff with a bench press weight of 275 pounds.

The importance of progress monitoring

He shared that he started noticing changes in his look when he had lost around 22 pounds. He had an idea in mind that he wanted to lose until he reached his goal, and he would monitor his progress regularly by taking photos and measuring his weight. By doing this, he could see the difference that a calorie deficit and bodybuilding had made to his life.

The struggles of losing weight

Several Reddit users weighed in with their thoughts on powerweighter's story, congratulating him on his progress while sharing their own weight loss journeys. Another Reddit user mentioned an ongoing battle with his weight, despite having the same height as powerweighter at 260 pounds. The community praised powerweighter, with one user telling him that he looked strong and younger post-weight loss.


Powerweighter's journey from being overweight to becoming healthier is a testament to the power of diet control and exercising. His journey reminds us that a simple calorie deficit and bodybuilding-oriented fitness plan can help us achieve our target weight. By counting calories and doing high rep, light weight exercises, one can achieve their target weight loss goals. Progress, no matter how small, is still progress, and keeping track of it is key to success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.