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From 495Lbs to 322Lbs: a Journey Towards Weight Loss

Read about Emily's journey towards weight loss as she shares her progress on Reddit. Learn about her approach and success tips!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'3" woman showing a fat loss from 495 pounds to 322 pounds. A total loss of 173 pounds.
F/29/5'3 [495lbs > 322lbs= 173lbs] (1 year) Progress: June 4, 2015 to June 4, 2016.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Emily, also known as u/emilyFIT, has shared her inspiring journey towards weight loss on Reddit. She went from 495lbs to 322lbs in one year and the progress she made was incredible. Her post went viral and inspired many people to take control of their health.

Diet Changes

Emily began her journey by making small changes to her diet. She started by eliminating sugary drinks and excessive snacking. She then gradually incorporated more fruits and vegetables into her meals. Eventually, she started tracking her calorie intake and ensured that she was consuming fewer calories than she was burning.

Exercise Routine

In addition to making changes to her diet, Emily incorporated exercise into her routine. She started with simple activities such as walking and eventually progressed to running. She also incorporated strength training to help build muscle mass and increase metabolism. Emily recommends finding an exercise routine that is enjoyable and sustainable.

Mindset Shifts

Emily's journey towards weight loss was not just physical, but also mental. She had to overcome negative self-talk and develop a positive mindset. She recommends focusing on progress rather than perfection and celebrating small victories. Emily also suggests finding a support system of friends and family who can offer encouragement and accountability.


Emily's journey towards weight loss is a testament to the power of making small changes and developing a positive mindset. She encourages others to take control of their health and find what works for them. Remember that everyone's journey is unique and it's important to be kind to yourself. Start small, stay consistent, and celebrate progress along the way!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.