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From 275Lbs to 150Lbs a Weight Loss Journey

Read about a 2.5-year weight loss journey from a reddit user who lost 125lbs and went from barely walking to running a 10k in 61 minutes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" female showing a weight loss from 275 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 125 pounds.
F/35/5'9" [275lbs > 150lbs = 125lbs lost] (2 1/2 years weight loss, 6 months maintenance). Pics are 275lbs to 200lbs to 150lbs or winded from a dozen steps to running a 10k in 61 minutes.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Starting at 275lbs

Reddit user goodsie825, who is female, 35 years old, and 5 feet 9 inches tall, started her weight loss journey at 275lbs. She had several indicators that her life was in danger due to her weight, including sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and pre-diabetic symptoms. It was time to make a change and take control of her health.

The Journey Begins

As part of her weight loss journey, goodsie825 started tracking her food intake and became more active. She started small and gradually increased her activity level. In addition, she cut out sugary drinks and fast food from her diet. Over time, these small changes made a big difference.

The Road to 150lbs

It took goodsie825 2.5 years to lose 125lbs, and she did it through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. She started with walking and gradually increased to running. She also did strength training to build muscle and increase her metabolism. As a result, she went from not being able to walk up stairs without feeling winded to running a 10k in just 61 minutes.

Maintenance Mode

After reaching her goal weight of 150lbs, goodsie825 entered maintenance mode. This meant she continued to track her food intake and exercise regularly, but with less emphasis on weight loss. It has now been six months since she reached her goal weight, and she is proud to say she has maintained it.

Takeaway Message

Goodsie825's weight loss journey is an inspiring example of the power of small, sustainable changes. By gradually increasing her level of activity and making healthier food choices, she was able to lose 125lbs and regain control of her health. Her story shows that with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to try new things, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.