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Undertraining is a fitness term that refers to not working out enough to see visible progress towards fitness goals. This means that the frequency, intensity, or the volume of workouts falls below what is required to stimulate adaptation and improvement in the body. Undertraining can be caused by various factors, including lack of motivation, injuries, and mental exhaustion from too much workout. It can lead to a plateau and hinder the progress to achieve one's fitness goals.

How to Identify If You're Undertraining

It's essential to note that undertraining is not the same as taking a rest day or engaging in recovery">active recovery. Undertraining is more about not challenging your body enough, and as a result, you do not see the desired progress in terms of strength, endurance, or weight loss. Some of the signs that you may be undertraining include lack of motivation, poor sleep quality, persistent muscle-soreness">muscle soreness, and lack of increased endurance, strength or stamina.

The Effects of Undertraining

Undertraining can have various effects on health and wellness. If you don't work your heart and lungs enough, you could find it hard to engage in daily activities and may face cardiovascular diseases or obesity. In contrast, if you don't work your bones and muscles hard enough, you run the risk of muscle atrophy and bone density loss, leading to increased susceptibility to injuries, fractures, and osteoporosis. The lack of variation in workouts can create an imbalance in the body and hinder reaching fitness goals.

Tips to Avoid Undertraining

To avoid undertraining, it's vital to have a workout plan that is structured, challenging, and progressively increasing in intensity to stimulate adaptations in the body. Setting goals and monitoring progress can help you stay motivated and focused. It's also essential to prioritize adequate rest, good nutrition and hydration, and listening to your body's signals to recognize when it needs more or less workout.

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.