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Plyometrics is a type of exercise that is commonly used by athletes, but also by people who want to improve their fitness and health. The term comes from the Greek word 'pleythyein' which means to increase, and 'metron' which means measure.

What are Plyometrics?

Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements that help develop power, speed, and agility. This type of training involves rapidly stretching a muscle (eccentric phase) and then rapidly contracting it (concentric phase) to produce a powerful movement. Plyometric exercises can help improve athletic performance, burn calories, and increase muscle strength and endurance.

Examples of Plyometric Exercises

  • Jumping jacks
  • Box jumps
  • Burpees
  • Squat jumps
  • Lateral jumps
  • Depth jumps

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for plyometrics include 'jump training,' 'burst training,' and 'explosive training.' Antonyms could be 'isometric exercise' or 'static exercise' where muscle fibers don't change length during contraction.

Related Terms

Related terms to plyometrics include agility training, speed training, and resistance training.

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.