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From the Footpath to the Gym: F/19's 28Kg Weight Loss Journey

Follow F/19 as she documents her nine-month 28kg weight loss journey from footpath to gym, and how the switch helped her drop five dress sizes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" woman showing a weight cut from 303 pounds to 242 pounds. A respectable loss of 61 pounds.
F/19/5'9" [138kg> 110kg= 28kg (I messed up my numbers a lil last time - my bad)]. I recently made the jump from the footpath to the gym and it's the best decision I've made. It helped me to lose my fifth dress size!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

F/19's Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

A Reddit user going by the handle amyyholley recently shared her journey to a healthier lifestyle, chronicling her weight loss progress over a period of nine months. The 19-year-old, standing at 5'9", started at a weight of 138kg and has since dropped down to 110kg. The switch from walking on the footpath to working out in the gym has allowed her to achieve a weight loss of 28kg!

The Impact of Gym on Weight Loss

One of the most crucial elements of amyyholley's journey was the switch from walking to the gym. Her increased physical activity level and use of varied equipment helped her to target different muscle groups and make her weight loss more effective with a well-rounded approach. She also reported that having a gym membership helped her hold herself accountable for her weight loss goals.

Consistent Progress Over Nine Months

Amyyholley stated that her 28kg weight loss has been the result of her nine-month dedication to a healthier lifestyle. She didn't achieve it overnight. The progress was gradual and consistent, which is critical for maintaining a healthy weight over time. Focusing on the process and not just the end result can help anyone to stay motivated on their weight loss journey.

Positive Reinforcement Through Comments and Community

One thing that helped amyyholley stay motivated was the support she received from Reddit's community. The post about her weight loss journey got 125 upvotes, and she received positive reinforcement through comments from fellow Redditors. Users encouraged her to keep going, which helped to foster an encouraging and supportive environment on the platform.

Implications of amyyholley's Journey

Amyyholley's journey is inspiring and shows that anyone can lose weight successfully with dedication and lifestyle changes. Her story also highlights the importance of a supportive community when it comes to achieving long-term weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.