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F/22/5'6 [190>150 = 40Lb]: a Journey to a Bikini

This article explores the weight loss journey of a Reddit user (_annabananna_) who has lost 40lbs and bought a bikini for the first time in her life. The article discusses her process of losing weight, the diet and exercise routine, and the ways she got inspired.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 150 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
A picture of a 5'6" female showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 150 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
F/22/5'6 [190>150 = 40lb] Bought a bikini for the first time in my life.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Many people struggle with their body image and their weight. It can be a difficult journey to embark on, but it is not impossible. Reddit user _annabananna_, has shared her weight journey with the world, inspiring and encouraging others to do the same. Her weight loss story is quite remarkable, as she has successfully lost 40lbs and bought her first bikini top at the age of 22. In this article, we will explore her journey and how she got to where she is today.

The Process

According to her Reddit post, _annabananna_ started her journey by using MyFitnessPal to track her calorie intake. She reduced her calorie intake to 1300 calories/day and bought a Fitbit to track her daily steps. She made it her goal to hit at least 10k steps per day and started going to the gym 3-5 times a week alternating between cardio and strength training. She had realistic goals and knew success would not happen overnight. _annabananna_ worked hard to achieve her goals and it paid off.

Diet and Exercise Routine

In her Reddit post, _annabananna_ mentioned that she cut her calorie intake to 1300 calories per day. She also mentioned that she started doing strength training quite early on in her weight loss journey. She had been using machines and body weight exercises and that helped her arms tone up, rather than sagging with the weight loss. _annabananna_ went to the gym 3-5 times a week, alternating between cardio and strength days. She also made it her goal to hit at least 10k steps per day by buying a fitbit.

Inspiration and Encouragement

Losing weight is a journey that requires discipline, motivation, and a support system. _annabananna_ is an inspiration to many because she shows that weight loss can be achieved. When asked about how long it took, _annabananna_ replied that she started losing in February, and by July, she had lost 40lbs. Her weight loss journey inspired and encouraged others, and she received numerous comments of congratulations and admiration. Her journey shows that it is possible to lose weight and get to a healthier place.


Losing weight is a personal journey that requires discipline, effort, and motivation. Stories like _annabananna_'s are inspiring because they show us that it is possible to make a change. By reducing her calorie intake, tracking her steps, and going to the gym regularly, _annabananna_ proved that determination pays off. For those who want to embark on a weight loss journey, take inspiration from _annabananna_, and remember that every journey starts with the first step.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.