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From Obese to Fit: a 6 Month Transformation Journey

A Reddit user's inspiring weight loss journey. Discover simple yet effective changes that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a weight reduction from 345 pounds to 220 pounds. A respectable loss of 125 pounds.
M/24/6'2" [345 > 220 = 125] Just a few days shy of completing 6 months. Trimmed fat, built muscle and increased self esteem!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Meet Cannibal818: A Fitness Inspiration

At 6'2'' and 345 pounds, Cannibal818 knew he needed a change. After six months of calorie counting and cutting out unhealthy food, Cannibal818 experienced a significant transformation. He lost 125 pounds, developed lean muscle, and boosted his self-esteem.

Calorie Counting: A Key to Success

Cannibal818 achieved incredible results by regularly tracking his calorie consumption. He ate between 1500 to 2100 calories per day, depending on how much exercise he did. By cutting out soda, junk, and fast food, Cannibal818 was able to shed pounds relatively quickly.

Cardio and Strength Training: Finding Balance

While Cannibal818 placed a significant emphasis on cardio for weight loss, he also discovered the importance of strength training to build muscle mass. He opted for basic dumbbell routines and push-ups exercises, which helped him achieve a balanced and healthy physique.

Small Changes, Big Results

Cannibal818's transformation signified that small changes could indeed bring big results. He cut out soda, processed juices, and unhealthy snacks, and made water and almond milk his main beverages. He also followed a routine of regular physical activity, with a moderate diet. The results? A body and mind transformation that boosted his self-esteem.

Final Thoughts

Cannibal818's fitness journey is an inspiration to anyone struggling to get fit. It shows that with dedication, proper planning, and hard work, anyone can achieve their fitness goals. His journey is proof that it is never too late to make lifestyle changes for a healthier, happier life. Why not try making small changes and taking that first step towards your fitness journey today?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.