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31 Pounds Lost in 4.5 Months: a Weight Loss Journey

Discover how Reddit user sobeforeandafter lost 31 pounds in 4.5 months as she shares her story and insights for weight loss.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 219 pounds to 188 pounds. A total loss of 31 pounds.
A photo of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 219 pounds to 188 pounds. A total loss of 31 pounds.
F/40/5'7" [219 > 188 = 31 pounds lost] (4.5 months) Have a way to go, but I'm happy.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it becomes more doable when we have the right mindset and support. In a Reddit post, user sobeforeandafter shared her story of losing 31 pounds in 4.5 months. Her post has inspired many readers to take action and commit to their health and fitness journey.

The Journey

Sobeforeandafter started her journey at 219 lbs and 5'7". Through a combination of diet and exercise, she managed to lose 31 pounds and reach 188 lbs in just 4.5 months. She didn't follow a specific diet but focused on eating whole foods, cutting out junk food and sweets, and reducing portion sizes. She also started going to the gym regularly, incorporating cardio and strength training. She did not have any cheat days, but she allowed herself to indulge in moderation.

The Challenges

Losing weight is not always easy, and Sobeforeandafter faced challenges along the way. She described going through periods of feeling impatient, discouraged, or deprived, but she persisted by reminding herself of her goals and progress. She also found that social events could be challenging, but she learned to navigate them by bringing her own food or eating before going out. She noted that her journey was not linear, and sometimes she experienced plateaus or small weight gains, but she kept her focus on the bigger picture.

The Insights

Sobeforeandafter shared several insights on her journey that may be helpful for others. She highlighted the importance of having a support system, whether that's through friends, family, or online communities. She also noted the value of tracking progress, whether through weigh-ins, body measurements, or photos to stay accountable and motivated. She emphasized focusing on sustainable habits rather than quick fixes, and finding what works for you by experimenting with different approaches.


Sobeforeandafter's weight loss journey shows that with the right mindset and approach, significant progress is possible in a relatively short time. By focusing on whole foods, portion control, and exercise, she was able to lose 31 pounds in just 4.5 months. Her story provides inspiration and insights for others looking to start or continue their weight loss journey. Remember that everyone's journey is different, so experiment with different approaches and find what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.