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How One Woman Lost 90 Pounds and Kept It off a Two Year Journey

Discover the non-drastic methods that helped a woman go from 370 to 280 pounds in two years, and the specific ways she kicked her sugar addiction.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 370 pounds to 280 pounds. A net loss of 90 pounds.
F/32/5'5" [370lbs > 280lbs = 90lbs] (2 years) I've been a lurker, But I wanted to share!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a long, winding journey filled with setbacks and challenges. But through patience, perseverance, and determination, one woman using the Reddit handle "hmousley" lost an impressive 90 pounds over the course of two years. Hmousley shares the methods she used to successfully achieve her goal weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Making Small Changes

Hmousley's weight loss journey wasn't filled with extreme or drastic lifestyle changes. Instead, she focused on making small changes to her diet and daily routine, such as eating more vegetables and taking the stairs. She also found it important to be flexible with herself and allow for small indulgences when she wanted them.

Kicking a Sugar Addiction

One of the biggest changes Hmousley made was cutting back on sugar. She stopped eating anything labeled "low fat" or "fat-free" because they often contain higher amounts of sugar. She also substituted xylitol, made from birch trees, for sugar in her recipes. Like most people, Hmousley encountered some challenges kicking her sugar addiction but found backing off from it just a little bit, over time, was more effective and sustainable than going cold turkey.

The Importance of Progress, Not Perfection

Hmousley didn't let setbacks get in the way of her progress. She kept going even when she indulged in a "good old fashioned pig out" and found it valuable to be kind to herself when she wasn't perfect. Instead of letting one slip up derail her, she recommitted to healthier habits over time. In doing so, she found that small changes made consistently over a long period could add up.


Hmousley's weight loss journey serves as a reminder that making consistent, small changes to one's diet and daily routine can lead to significant weight loss results over time. By kicking a sugar addiction and finding balance between indulgence and healthier habits, Hmousley was able to achieve her goal and maintain her healthier lifestyle. Her journey offers inspiration and encouragement for anyone looking to embark on their own weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.