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One Woman's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey: From 180Lbs to 112Lbs in a Year

Read about how one woman lost 68 pounds in a year, just by changing her eating habits and adding more physical activity into her routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 4'9" woman showing a weight cut from 180 pounds to 112 pounds. A respectable loss of 68 pounds.
F/25/4'9" [180lbs > 112lbs = 68lbs] (1 year but 5 years between pics) Need to lose the baby weight now though!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it's always inspiring to hear success stories that show us that it's possible. One such story is that of Reddit user ms_glitteris, who lost an incredible 68 pounds over the course of a year. Though she admits that she had been carrying around the extra weight for years, one day she decided it was time for a change.

Eating for Success

Ms_glitteris found that changing her eating habits was key to her weight loss success. She eliminated junk food and focused on eating less overall. She lost 20 pounds in the first month alone, and then continued to lose weight at a steady pace. While she did reach a plateau at 130 pounds, she was able to break through it by adding more physical activity to her routine.

Staying Active

For ms_glitteris, adding more physical activity to her routine was the key to breaking through her weight loss plateau. She started going for walks more often, and found that the extra activity supercharged her weight loss results. Being short, she found that even losing just five pounds made a significant difference in how she looked and felt, which provided motivation to keep going.

The Role of Breastfeeding

After giving birth to her baby, ms_glitteris found that her focus had to shift back to her diet since she was breastfeeding. She made sure to eat a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients but still avoided junk food as much as possible. Although she lost 10 pounds naturally post-birth, she still hoped to lose another 14 to hit her goal of 112 pounds.


Ms_glitteris's weight loss journey shows that making small changes to your eating habits and exercise routine over time can really add up. It's important to remember that everyone's weight loss journey is different and what works for one person may not work for another. However, her success serves as a reminder that it's always possible to make a break from unhealthy habits and move towards positive changes that can both help us feel and look better.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.